2012年3月12日 星期一




Design Studio for M Arch II (A ) Program Spring 2012
Subject: Networking the CanteenscapeConducted by Shih-wei Lo
Credit: 6
Studio Day: Every Monday & Thursday during the semester

Subject DescriptionThe everyday life of the city is crucial to the formation of the city morphology, and even the forge of its character and identity. Among varied modes of daily life, eating specially plays a dominant role bringing forth what a city is. Eating culture enlivens the city, whether by those who provides or consumes foods. In very common sense, food affects our everyday life and gives us ideas of the different life styles, and people’s impression of a place or a city is often cast by food. When taking food as a lens to look through at the city, a geographical composition of different kinds of food in the city can be generated and thus bring forth the food-scape for our everyday life. Thus, it can be seen that we can map the city we live in through food and its various systems.

A hidden world which has long been neglected but keeps imbuing the city with vigor and thrust is constituted by canteens on streets. They are often categorized as informal sector. The rapid increase in numbers of foreign immigrants in the past 10 years in Taichung which results from globalization and industrial subdivision of labor, has made Taichung a cosmopolitan city of multiple cultures and life styles. As we can see many sprouting Vietnam food diner, Turkish ice cream vendors and Indian Sharma stalls on the streets. Through such a food-scape we can elaborate the urban system, demography and mobility to re-map the city by taste and smell.

However, if based on the research on the ‘arrival city’ phenomenon, those sprawling canteens along streets host most of immigrants from countryside and become temporary niches for their conversion into citizenship of the city. An emergent paradigm of urban design caring for the bottom-up development of street life thus signals a new perspective intervening into the urban reality, specifically taking into account of Asian context.

Canteen: A temporary or mobile stand, specially on the street, at which food is provided.
ßàcatering, snack, eatery, eating house, restaurant

Target Area(Si-tuen Road + Cheng-kung road) as a cross-sectional spine of Taichung
-linking Utopia+Tunghai Circle, Evening Market, Feng-jia Night Market, Chung-hua Night Market, First Plaza…
-becoming the Street of Taste & Smell---an informal axis of canteenscape

Food Code by cuisine, by cooking, by taste, by smell, by color…
-Taiwanese, Hakka, Mainlander’s, Southeast Asian…
-Fried, Boiled, Baked, Steamed, Smoked, Roasted…

Structure of Studio1. Case studies ___ on Tainan, Taipei, Chang-hwa, Fong-yuan, etc.
2. Survey on Taichung ___ market places, night markets, canteen gatherings…
3. Mapping a canteen-scape ___ interpretation, connection, network
4. Socio-economical structure ___ matter/capital flow, urban stratification
5. Sustaining a canteen culture ___ strategy, program, scenario, design

Working ScheduleFeb. 20 (Mon) Brief/Orientation
Feb. 23 (Thu) Historical/Present Documentation Reading
Feb. 27 (Mon)- March 8 (Thu) 2 wks-Discussion on Case Studies
Mar. 12 (Mon)-(Thu) food-space encoding/patterning
Mar.19(Mon)- 29 (Thu) 2 wks-Mapping Practice w/ Socio-econo. implications
Apr. 2 (Mon)- Apr. 9 (Mon) 2 wks-Networking Food/Labor/Consumer/ Space/Time
Apr. 12 (Thu) Mid-term Presentation
Apr. 16 (Mon)-26 (Thu) 2 wks-Design Strategy
Apr. 30 (Mon)-May 10 (Thu) 2 wks-Urban Design Programming
May 14 (Mon)-24 (Thu) 2 wks-Imagination/Scenario
May 28 (Mon)-June 4 (Mon) 2 wks-Urban Institution & Design
June 7 (Thu) Final Presentation

ReferenceSaunders, Doug. Arrival City (落腳城市: 最終的人口遷移與世界的未來),陳信宏譯,台北: 麥田, 2011.
Owen Chin Ouyang. 2008. M.arch II Thesis. Tunghai University.Owen Chin Ouyang, 2011, M.UD Thesis, KRVIA, Mumbai University




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